- AquaEnv::sample_dickson1981sample\_dickson1981
- AquaEnv::sample_dickson2007sample\_dickson2007
- diagram::RigawebGulf of Riga autumn planktonic food web
- diagram::TakapotowebTakapoto atoll planktonic food web
- diagram::TeaselPopulation dynamics model transition matrix of teasel
- ecolMod::SCOCa Sediment Community Oxygen Consumption (SCOC) dataset
- ecolMod::Zoogrowtha zooplankton growth dataset
- ecolMod::deepCminresults of the calibration exercise from chapter 4.4.4
- LIM::FILERigaAutumnInput text "file" for gulf of Riga autumn planktonic food web
- LIM::LIMBlendingA blending problem specification
- LIM::LIMBrouageMudflatLinear inverse model specification for the Intertidal mudflat food web on the Atlantic coast of France
- LIM::LIMCaliforniaSedimentLinear inverse model specification for the Santa Monica Basin sediment food web
- LIM::LIMCoralRockallLinear inverse model specification for the Deep-water Coral food web at Rockall Bank
- LIM::LIMEcoliThe Escherichia Coli Core Metabolism: Reaction network model specificiation
- LIM::LIMEvergladesLinear inverse model specification for the herpetological food web of the Everglades
- LIM::LIMRigaAutumnLinear inverse model specification for the Gulf of Riga *autumn* planktonic food web
- LIM::LIMRigaSpringLinear inverse model specification for the Gulf of Riga *spring* planktonic food web.
- LIM::LIMRigaSummerLinear inverse model specification for the Gulf of Riga *summer* planktonic food web.
- LIM::LIMScheldtIntertidalLinear inverse model specification for the Schelde Intertidal flat food web
- LIM::LIMTakapotoLinear inverse model specification for the Takapoto atoll planktonic food web.
- LIM::LIMinputBlendingA blending problem specification
- limSolve::BlendingA linear inverse blending problem
- limSolve::ChemtaxAn overdetermined linear inverse problem: estimating algal composition based on pigment biomarkers.
- limSolve::E_coliAn underdetermined linear inverse problem: the Escherichia Coli Core Metabolism Model.
- limSolve::MinkdietAn underdetermined linear inverse problem: estimating diet composition of Southeast Alaskan Mink.
- limSolve::RigaWebAn underdetermined linear inverse problem: the Gulf of Riga *spring* planktonic food web
- marelac::AtomicWeightThe Atomic Weights of Chemical Elements
- marelac::BathymetryWorld Bathymetric Data
- marelac::ConstantsUseful Physical and Chemical Constants
- marelac::OceansUseful Characteristics of the Oceans
- marelac::atomicweightThe Atomic Weights of Chemical Elements
- marelac::sw_sfacSalinity conversion factors
- NetIndices::ConespringsCone Spring ecosystem.
- NetIndices::TakapotoTakapoto atoll planktonic food web
- OceanView::ChesapeakeParticle transport in Chesapeake Bay
- OceanView::LtransParticle transport in Chesapeake Bay
- OceanView::Sylt3DHydrodynamic model output (getm) of Sylt-Romo Bight
- OceanView::SyltsurfHydrodynamic model output (getm) of Sylt-Romo Bight
- OceanView::SylttranHydrodynamic model output (getm) of Sylt-Romo Bight
- OceanView::TrackProfTemperature profiles made along a ship track.
- OceanView::WSniozNIOZ monitoring data of Westerschelde estuary.
- OceanView::WSnioz.tableNIOZ monitoring data of Westerschelde estuary.
- plot3D::HypsometryThe earths hypsometry (land elevation) and the ocean's bathymetry
- plot3D::OxsatYearly averaged oxygen saturation from the NODC World Ocean Atlas 2005.